(Note: Registration via St. Margaret’s online system)
Ages 9 – 12
Dates: June 24 – 28, 2024 (1 week)
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
Location: (In Person) St. Margaret’s School (1080 Lucas Ave, Victoria)
Course Fee: $210
Hey, young storytellers! Ignite your imagination this summer with Story Studio, the award-winning charity that transforms writing into an adventure!
Dive into a week of thrilling activities designed to unleash creative potential and supercharge writing skills. Our experienced instructors will guide your child on a journey of crafting compelling stories, boosting their confidence as a writer and gaining invaluable skills in creativity and communications.
After a week of exploration, they’ll also leave with a tangible, personalized treasure: a bound and illustrated book containing your child’s original masterpiece!
Program Partner

Ages 12 – 17
Dates: July 2 – July 26 (4 weeks)
Timing: Wednesdays 1-2pm online Writer Cafe session (mandatory); plus bonus guest speakers (1 per week, TBD) plus individual writing time
Location: Online
Registration Deadline: June 30
Course Fee: $175 (Includes a copy of the final published anthology of participant work

Embark on an epic writing journey with our online writing sessions, and become a published author!
Whether you’re crafting a single scene, a poem, or diving into chapters of your epic novel, this 4-week experience is your ticket to literary success. Set your own writing goals and immerse yourself in our virtual writers’ room, where you’ll receive weekly guidance and support from Story Studio experts, as well as guest insights from local authors and illustrators. Plus, your masterpiece will be featured in our anthology of emerging young writers!
Participants are asked to dedicate a minimum of 5-6 hours per week, including 1-2 hours for online meetings and solo writing sessions. Embrace the freedom to write at your own pace and scale, all while receiving invaluable mentorship and encouragement throughout your summer journey with us.
A limited number of bursaries are available. Email info@storystudio.ca for more information.
Sample Weekly Outline
Week 1
Online ‘Writer Cafe’ meeting
Plan project/set goals, gathering ideas
Creating Characters, Building Settings
Guest speaker: World-Building
Week 2
Mapping our Writing, How to Hook Your Reader
Individual check-in with a mentor
Adding problems to your story
Guest speaker: Action Scenes!
Week 3
Details and Dialogue
Endings (Happy and Otherwise)
Guest speaker: How to self-publish
Week 4
Revise your work
Celebrate and share your story
Ages 12-17
Dates: July 8 – July 19 (2 weeks)
Hours: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: In person (on the campus of Christ Church Cathedral School, 912 Vancouver St., Victoria, BC)
Registration Deadline: June 30
Course Fee: $350 (for 10 half-day 3 hour sessions, and includes a copy of your final published comic)

Join us for StoryStudio’s first Comic Camp! Designed for the dedicated, we’re striving to introduce young creatives to all the ins and outs of thumbnails, layouts, inking, and painting. Expect to do lots of drawing, to work hard and to have fun!
Over two weeks, students will immerse themselves in comic storytelling, starting with basics like shapes and thumbnails, leading to composition, inking, and watercolor techniques. Regular support critiques will fuel progress, while exercises on perspective and collaboration will foster creativity. Throughout the program, students will complete their own comics. The course will wrap up with lectures on digital tools, empowering students to showcase their work in a celebratory finale in week two. All participants will receive a final published copy of their work.
Audrey Greenlees, a graduate of the Camosun Comics and Graphic Novels Program, is an accomplished storyteller and editor. Their debut collection, “Too Much”, marked the beginning of a prolific career. Audrey’s contributions to Kraken Komiks’ anthologies showcase their versatility, culminating in the publication of “FAERCROW”, a full-length graphic novel. With a passion for worldbuilding, Audrey mentors artists, curates anthologies, and participates in community events, aiming to inspire others to bring their stories to life.

Ages 12-17
Dates: July 2 – July 26 (4 weeks)
Dates/Times: Tues/Thurs 10:00-11:30, plus additional writing time
Location: Online
Registration Deadline: June 30
Course Fee: $275 (inc. a copy of your final publication)
Do you enjoy reading funny stories? Want to write something hilarious? Then join us in the Laugh Lab!
Join comedy writer Shannon Pidlubny, in this fun and interactive writing class. You will learn how to create funny characters, amusing situations, and strange plot twists – and try writing comedic monologues, fake news, and funny stories.
Over four weeks, students will learn to understand and practice the techniques of humor, like comedic character, humorous situations, hyperbole, surprise, reversal of expectation, rule of three, and specific word choice.
You don’t need to be a natural born comedian to take this course – everyone is welcome in the Laugh Lab!
In every 90 minute workshop, we will read an example of something hilarious, have a discussion about what made it funny, do group writing exercises, brainstorm ideas, and write! At the end of every class, participants will write a short 3-paragraph first draft of a humor piece to practice the skill. In weeks three and four, students will chose one of their favorite short pieces to expand, and revise it to be published in an anthology.
Shannon Pidlubny has a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, and has helped hundreds of young students improve their writing. Teaching humor writing is her favorite thing to teach, because it helps even the most reluctant writer learn to enjoy writing. She has taught creative writing at Fresh Minds Academy, Place des Arts, and at Word Vancouver. Some of her young writing students have won national writing contests, including the Polar Expressions short story award.
When she’s not teaching creative writing classes on Zoom to young learners, she writes comedy essays, comedy monologues, and scripts for TV and film. Her comedy TV scripts have received top honors at the Austin Film Festival, and she’s had several short comedy films screen at the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival.
Anyone who wants to learn new storytelling skills and stretch their creativity. Learning how to use humor techniques is a great skill that can be applied to any story, speech or personal essay – to connect with the reader and make them smile, snicker, or burst out laughing! But most importantly – it’s fun! When young writers are engaged, they’re writing more detailed and focused work. This is a great course for reluctant writers, or anyone who enjoys writing and want to expand their skills.